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  • How does activity specialization affect nature-based tourism package choice? 

    Stemmer, Kathrin; Fredman, Peter; Lindberg, Kreg; Veisten, Knut (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-23)
    Experiencing nature represents a dominant driver for many tourists, and the nature-based tourism market has become increasingly diversified. Activity specialization is a concept that can facilitate understanding of diversified ...
  • Perceived walkability and daily walking behaviour in a “small city context” – The case of Norway 

    Stefansdottir, Harpa; Mouratidis, Konstantinos; Rynning, Maja Karoline; Meyer, Sunniva Frislid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-10)
    Walking is essential for environmentally friendly transport, vibrant street life, and public health. Due to the short distances, small cities should have great potential for walking; however, the car still dominates in ...
  • Hva kan vi vite om effekten av etablering av ungdomsklubb på Furuset? 

    Stiansen, Øyvind; Kokkvoll Tveit, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-25)
    I en fersk NJUS-artikkel finner forfatterne ingen effekt av tilgang på fritidsklubb på ungdoms fornøydhet med eget lokalmiljø. Vi applauderer forsøket på å bruke moderne empiriske metoder til å besvare spørsmål av høy ...
  • Speed cameras, section control, and kangaroo jumps-a meta-analysis 

    Høye, Alena (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-12-02)
    A meta-analysis was conducted of the effects of speed cameras and section control (point-to-point speed cameras) on crashes. 63 effect estimates from 15 speed camera studies and five effect estimates from four section ...
  • Watch out! Travellers’ valuation of reduced avalanche risks on railways and roads 

    Veisten, Knut; Navrud, Ståle; Magnussen, Kristin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-26)
    In various regions of the World, railway and road sections are affected by avalanches. Protective measures can reduce the risk of casualties as well as the risk of infrastructure closures. This paper explores the identification ...

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