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How does activity specialization affect nature-based tourism package choice?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-23)Experiencing nature represents a dominant driver for many tourists, and the nature-based tourism market has become increasingly diversified. Activity specialization is a concept that can facilitate understanding of diversified ... -
Perceived walkability and daily walking behaviour in a “small city context” – The case of Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-10)Walking is essential for environmentally friendly transport, vibrant street life, and public health. Due to the short distances, small cities should have great potential for walking; however, the car still dominates in ... -
Hva kan vi vite om effekten av etablering av ungdomsklubb på Furuset?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-25)I en fersk NJUS-artikkel finner forfatterne ingen effekt av tilgang på fritidsklubb på ungdoms fornøydhet med eget lokalmiljø. Vi applauderer forsøket på å bruke moderne empiriske metoder til å besvare spørsmål av høy ... -
Speed cameras, section control, and kangaroo jumps-a meta-analysis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-12-02)A meta-analysis was conducted of the effects of speed cameras and section control (point-to-point speed cameras) on crashes. 63 effect estimates from 15 speed camera studies and five effect estimates from four section ... -
Watch out! Travellers’ valuation of reduced avalanche risks on railways and roads
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-26)In various regions of the World, railway and road sections are affected by avalanches. Protective measures can reduce the risk of casualties as well as the risk of infrastructure closures. This paper explores the identification ... -
Can policy packaging help overcome Pigouvian tax aversion? A lab experiment on combining taxes and subsidies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-03)Tax aversion makes it politically challenging to introduce Pigouvian taxes. One proposed solution to overcome this resistance is to package policies. Using an online lab experiment, we investigate whether combining a tax ... -
Universal Design in Sustainable Tourism Certification Schemes
(Studies in Health Technology and Informatics;Chapter, Chapter, 2024-11-18)Universal design has played a modest role in Norwegian tourism policy, despite its potential for contributing to a more socially, economically and environmentally sustainable tourism industry. The increased interest in ... -
Local Incentives and Electric Vehicle Adoption
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-25)We study how the adoption of battery electric vehicles—a key technology for decarbonizing transportation—responds to two local incentives: road toll exemption and bus lane access. Combining rich Norwegian microdata with a ... -
Attitudes Towards E-scooter Safety – A Survey in Five Countries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-01)E-scooters are quite popular among young people in big cities. Their use seems to be a well-studied phenomenon. This study concentrates on the risky behaviour of e-scooter riders and on e-scooter riders' and non-riders' ... -
Availability bias in road safety systematic reviews and its impact on the meta-analysis findings
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-27)Meta-analyses, which present the best source of information on the effectiveness of interventions, are influenced by several biases. One category relates to the convenience of selective inclusion of those primary studies, ... -
Changes in Traffic Jams and Injuries Impact on Acceptability of Automated Vehicles: A Strong Curvilinear Relation with no signs of Loss Aversion
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-09)We investigate whether the acceptance of autonomous trucks as a function of their impact on traffic jams and injury rates are affected by loss aversion and diminishing sensitivity as described in prospect theory. In an ... -
Analysis of the environmental impacts of unloading bays based on cellular automata simulation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-04-02)Urban freight transport contributes to a number of environmental problems, such as poor air quality, noise and greenhouse gas emissions. Analysing the impact of UFT measures is particularly important, since improving the ... -
Resharing spaces, services and mobility: Developing a reshareability index for sustainable planning in Oslo
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-11)Recent studies on sharing cities and sharing economies have focused on what can be (or is being) shared, such as public spaces, food, mobility, ideas, knowledge, governance strategies, as well as community facilities, such ... -
The relative effectiveness of overlapping international institutions: European Union versus United Nations regulations of air pollution
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-04-02)Which types of international institutions display higher ability to change states’ behaviour? This article assesses the relative environmental effectiveness of a management-based (‘soft’) and an enforcement-based (‘hard’) ... -
Imagining post-fossil tourism mobilities with Norwegian tourists
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-10)Sustainable mobility has become a catch-all term to describe forms, modes, policies and practices of mobility that are thought to have a lower environmental footprint and/or fewer social exclusions than the contemporary ... -
Nonparametric estimation of allocative efficiency using indirect production theory: Application to container ports in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-25)Adaption to prices is an important feature of productivity development. This paper proposes an extension of the StoNED model to accommodate estimation of allocative efficiency. It demonstrates how indirect production theory ... -
How Testing Impacts Willingness to Use and Share Autonomous Shuttles with Strangers: The Mediating Effects of Trust and Optimism
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-16)This study investigates acceptance of shared autonomous shuttles (SASs) in a suburban area. A model where contextual variables were mediated through trust in SASs and technology optimism was tested. We examined intentions ... -
Recasting sustainable summer holidaying: scripts, time experiences, freedom, place change and environmental imprints
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-06)In the summer of 2020, COVID-19 border closures, travel restrictions, infection risks and other uncertainties forced many people to cancel or adapt their holiday plans. This disruption created an exceptional context to ... -
Assessing Metal Use and Scarcity Impacts of Vehicle Gliders
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-10)This study assesses the metal composition of two vehicle gliders, configured with different equipment levels and evaluates the risk of short and long-term metal scarcity. Entropy analysis is also used for insights on ... -
Teaching advanced technology (ADAS) and use of touch screens in driver training in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-07)As many as 4,601 people were injured or killed on the roads in Norway in 2022. This number is too high and highlights the necessity of putting road safety on the agenda. The car industry today is represented by a vast ...