Browsing Ikke-vitenskapelige publikasjoner / Non Academic Publications by Title
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Bruk av alkohol, narkotika og trafikkfarlege legemiddel blant bilførarar i normal trafikk: norske og europeiske resultat frå DRUID-prosjektet
(rapport Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt, Research report, 2011) -
Bundet energi og klimagassutslipp i nye boligprosjekter. En veileder til beregningsverktøyet EE Settlement
(SINTEF Fag, Research report, 2021) -
CONTRA Project report #1: Requirements identification and system mapping
(Research report, 2020)The research project “COVID-19 Network Technology-based Responsive Action” (CONTRA), funded by the Research Council of Norway, commenced in June 2020. The CONTRA project develops a decision support system (DSS) based on ... -
Covid-19 vaksine: tiden er knapp for planlegging av effektiv distribusjon
(Journal article, 2020) -
Digital skifte for transport – 16 nye teknologier og hvordan de endrer byene
(Research report, 2020-09-30) -
EE Settlement final report 2017–2021
(SINTEF Fag, Research report, 2021) -
EE Settlement – Norwegian Model Description. Theoretical background, methodology, reference values, and data sources
(SINTEF Notat, Research report, 2021) -
Embodied Energy, Costs and Traffic in Different Settlement Patterns – Travel behaviour, housing and location preferences
(SINTEF Fag;, Research report, 2018-12-17)The objective of this report is to provide a state-of-the-art review on relevant existing studies that could be used as a background for tool development and guidelines in the EE settlement project. The report investigates ... -
Microplastics in road dust – characteristics, pathways and measures
(NIVA-rapport, Research report, 2019)The expected main contributors to road dust-associated microplastic particles (RAMP) are rubber compounds in tyre treads, polymers used to strengthen the bitumen used in road pavement and thermoplastic elastomers used in ... -
Microplastics in road dust – characteristics, pathways and measures
(NIVA-rapport;, Research report, 2020)The expected main contributors to road dust-associated microplastic particles (RAMP) are rubber compounds in tyre treads, polymers used to strengthen the bitumen used in road pavement and thermoplastic elastomers used in ... -
Nattstøy og søvnforstyrrelser. Utredning av indikator og grunnlag for nasjonalt mål for reduksjon av søvnforstyrrelser på grunn av støy
(rapport Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt;, Research report, 2013) -
Tverrfaglig miljøforskning – en kunnskapsstatus
(Research report, 2010)Tverrfaglighet blir stadig mer etterspurt, spesielt stilt overfor de komplekse miljø- og klimautfordringene. For å ivareta sitt ansvar for tverrfaglig miljøforskning har CIENS tatt initiativet til å utarbeide foreliggende ...