Now showing items 340-359 of 532

    • Paint It Red - A Multimethod Study of the Nudging Effect of Coloured Cycle Lanes 

      Fyhri, Aslak; Karlsen, Katrine; Sundfør, Hanne Beate (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-02)
      Many countries colour their cycle lanes, but there is still a lack of research into the impact of this policy. Rather than constraining or regulating movement, coloured asphalt conveys information, and can serve as a good ...
    • Pandemic impacts on public transport safety and stress perceptions in Nordic cities 

      Böcker, Lars; Olsson, Lars E.; Priya Uteng, Tanu; Friman, Margareta (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-12-22)
      COVID-19 has brought severe disruption and demand suppression to mobility, especially to public transport (PT). A key challenge now is to restore trust that PT is safe again. This paper investigates pandemic impacts on PT ...
    • Panel data analysis of drivers under an evolving cordon tolling system 

      Rødseth, Kenneth Løvold; Wangsness, Paal Brevik; Gregersen, Fredrik Alexander (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-12)
      This paper analyzes a panel dataset of 4011 anonymized car owners in Norway. We observe where they live (on neighborhood-level) and how much they drive. We combine this with data on tolling costs. Over the sample period ...
    • Paradoxes of rationality in road safety policy 

      Elvik, Rune (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-01-09)
      Rationality is an ideal for transport safety policy. As developed within normative welfare economics, rationality denotes the efficient use of safety measures based on cost–benefit analyses that include all relevant impacts ...
    • Park & Ride - Exploring the demand effects of parking charges 

      Lunke, Erik Bjørnson (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-03-10)
      Parking charges can be introduced to control who uses park & ride (P&R) facilities. However, the effect of charges on parking demand is unclear. This paper presents results from a before- and after analysis of fifteen rail ...
    • Parking facilities and the built environment: Impacts on travel behaviour 

      Christiansen, Petter; Engebretsen, Øystein; Fearnley, Nils; Hanssen, Jan Usterud (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-11-25)
      Car ownership and car use depend on numerous factors, among which are parking availability at destination and at home. While the former has attracted considerable research efforts for decades the latter, home parking, has ...
    • Patronage effects of changes to local public transport services in smaller cities 

      Tennøy, Aud (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-23)
      The paper contributes to the scarce empirical knowledge concerning the effects of improving public transport services on patronage. It analyses cases in eight Norwegian cities, varying in size from 12,000 to 118,000 ...
    • Patterns of E-Scooter Use in Combination with Public Transport 

      Fearnley, Nils; Johnsson, Espen; Berge, Siri Hegna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-07-23)
      Shared e-scooters may complement public transport by offering a solution to the first/last mile problem by easing, or increasing the radius of, access and egress trips. We have gathered real time e-scooter supply and demand ...
    • Perspectives on Norway's supercharged electric vehicle policy 

      Figenbaum, Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-11-17)
      Norway has achieved an unprecedented breakthrough for battery electric vehicles. The market share reached 17.1% in 2015, and the total fleet passed 2.7%, some 70000 vehicles. The multilevel perspective framework demonstrate ...
    • Plan for sustainable urban logistics – comparing between Scandinavian and UK practices 

      Fossheim, Karin; Andersen, Jardar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-10-18)
      Introduction Common practices in current urban logistics planning in Scandinavia and the UK, and the degree to which SUTP (Sustainable Urban Transport Plan), SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans) and SULP (Sustainable ...
    • Planning for climate-friendly transport in Norwegian rural areas 

      Tønnesen, Anders; Knapskog, Marianne; Rynning, Maja Karoline; Groven, Kyrre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-12-31)
      This paper addresses how local land-use planning can facilitate climate-friendly transport in rural areas. Studies were conducted in four Norwegian municipalities with populations between 4400 and 10,600. 11% of the country’s ...
    • Policy transfer of public transport funding schemes - The case of Norway 

      Olsen, Silvia Johanne; Fearnley, Nils (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-10-17)
      This paper assesses the circumstances under which the schemes and models of public transport funding in one country can be applied in another country. Acceptance and similarity are presented as key concepts when considering ...
    • Port efficiency and emissions from ships at berth: application to the Norwegian port sector 

      Rødseth, Kenneth Løvold; Wangsness, Paal Brevik; Schøyen, Halvor; Førsund, Finn R (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-12-03)
      This paper explores how port efficiency affects the time that ships spend in port and therefore their atmospheric emissions whilst berthed. While the literature on port productivity and efficiency measurement largely ignores ...
    • Post-/pandemic mobility adaptations and wellbeing in Oslo, Norway: A longitudinal mixed-methods approach 

      Hoff, Sindre Cottis; Böcker, Lars; Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-06)
      This study investigates the understudied relationship between post-/pandemic mobility adaptations and wellbeing outcomes, drawing on a longitudinal mixed-method approach combining survey analyses and in-depth citizen ...
    • Potential safety outcomes of communication difficulties in mixed nationality crews: A study of Greek and Norwegian vessels 

      Nævestad, Tor-Olav; Størkersen, Kristine Vedal; Laiou, Alexandra; Yannis, George; Michelaraki, Eva (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-13)
      The study examines potential safety outcomes of communication difficulties in mixed nationality crews on Greek and Norwegian cargo and passenger vessels. The aims are to examine the prevalence of unsafe situations due to ...
    • Practices in-between: Norwegian long-term visitors in Mediterranean Spain 

      Selstad, Leif; Nogues-Pedregal, Antonio Miguel; Jacobsen, Jens Kristian Steen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-19)
      During initial ethnographic fieldwork among Norwegian long-term visitors in the province of Alicante in Spain, these visitors expressed concern about the manner in which they were portrayed in the Norwegian news media, in ...
    • Predicting market allocations, user benefits and wider economic impacts of large infrastructure investments for freight transportation 

      Johansen, Bjørn Gjerde; Hansen, Wiljar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-11-23)
      Conventional cost-benefit analyses of infrastructure projects are often partial analyses in which only the transport market is assessed while adjacent markets are neglected. For large infrastructure investments, however, ...
    • Present and future changes in winter climate indices relevant for access disruptions in Troms, northern Norway 

      Dyrrdal, Anita Verpe; Isaksen, Ketil; Jacobsen, Jens Kristian Steen; Nilsen, Irene Brox (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-06-30)
      A number of seaside communities in Troms, northern Norway, are vulnerable to sudden weather-induced access disruptions due to high-impact weather and dependency on one or few roads. In this paper we study changes in winter ...
    • Price and competition in emerging shared e-scooter markets 

      Aarhaug, Jørgen; Fearnley, Nils; Hartveit, Knut Johannes Liland; Johnsson, Espen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-07)
      The rapid deployment of shared dockless electric scooters (e-scooters) has resulted in attention from the public and regulators. Recurring issues include fleet size and the number of operators in the market. In this paper ...
    • Private public collaboration on logistics in Norwegian cities 

      Eidhammer, Olav; Andersen, Jardar; Johansen, Bjørn Gjerde (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-11-23)
      This paper presents conclusions from a survey among urban freight actors in the four biggest cities in Norway (Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger and Trondheim). The survey focus on logistic operations and transport decisions affecting ...